Cheatham PTA supports many wonderful programs and events throughout the school year, but we can't do it without the amazing support of our program chairs and volunteers! The following is an overview of the programs along with the associated chair and volunteer responsibilities. Follow the links for more detailed information along with how to participate in or volunteer for specific programs. A general Volunteer Interest form can also be completed and is included with the back-to-school packet.
Academic Programs
Chair researches and schedules programs to enrich curriculum (e.g. math or science night)
Volunteers may assist the chair.
Arts in Education
Chair trains volunteers and organizes schedule.
Co-Chair organizes Reflections (Art Contest) and collects artwork from Cheatham Students.
Volunteers work with the Allen Arts Alliance to introduce artists to students in the classroom (1st-4thgrade) once a month on a rotating schedule.
Book Fair
Chair plans, organizes sets schedules, and works with classes to view books.
Volunteers help decorate, setup and take down book fairs; and they work in short shifts to assist students in making selections and as cashiers.
Box Tops
Chairs organize two contests throughout the year, count and mail Box Tops, and collect money.
Volunteers count Box Tops.
Bulletin Boards
Volunteers help teachers and Cheatham PTA decorate hallways and bulletin boards through out the year.
Copy Room
Chair organizes copy room materials and schedules volunteers on a monthly rotating schedule.
Volunteers sign up for shifts to make copies for teachers.
Destination Imagination (DI)
Chair recruits volunteers, provides training, and handles fees for teams through Cheatham PTA.
Volunteers manage teams of no more than 7 students for competitions in creative, problem-solving themes. Teams ususally meet on a weekly basis determined by members of team.
Chair helps beautify the Cheatham campus and promotes recycling, Earth Day activities and other “green” conscious events.
Volunteers help at various events around the school.
Healthy Lifestyles
Chair finds a way to encourage health mindedness and coordinates the annual 21-Day Snack Challenge.
Volunteers help at various events around the school.
Chair organizes celebrations and events to support staff, families, and students (i.e. snack cart, teacher birthdays, welcome team and staff appreciation).
Volunteers provide food and beverages at Cheatham PTA events.
Welcome Team
Volunteers coordinate activities for Meet the Teacher, First Day of School, and Summer Activities.
Cheatham Press
Chair works with the Librarian, teachers and book publishing company to set dates, schedule editing times with students, communicate and market to school, and plan author reception.
Volunteers assist with promotion, editing, submission, and delivery of books, and assist with author reception.
Cheatham Chatter
Volunteer generates the Cheatham PTA weekly parent newsletter.
Picture Days
Volunteers help with Fall and Spring school pictures by getting the classes from their rooms and making sure students have completed forms ready for photographers.
Cheatham PTA Communications
Chair manages the Cheatham PTA website and Facebook page.
Restaurant Spirit Night
Chair organizes events throughout the year with local restaurants where Cheatham families can eat at the restaurant and have a portion of the cost of their meal come to Cheatham.
School Supplies
Chair meets with teachers to create supply lists and coordinates collection of payment and delivery of supplies.
Snack Cart
Chair purchases snacks, drinks and paper products and keeps a list of supplies to be distributed to teachers once a month.
Volunteers sign up for a shift to deliver snacks to teachers.
Spelling Bee
Chair coordinates the spelling bee competitions for all grade levels, in accordance with Scripps Spelling Bee rules.
Volunteers judge or assist at Spelling Bees.
Spring Fling
Chair coordinates dance to be held after hours in April with themed dances/activities for students and parents.
Volunteers assist with decorating, set up and booths at school-wide dance.
Staff Appreciation
Chair plans and hosts teacher appreciation breakfast, luncheons and other special events. Chair plans and communicates Teacher Appreciation Week activities.
Volunteers assist with special staff appreciation events.
Volunteer Advocate Chair
Chair communicates Cheatham PTA events and volunteer opportunities to class room parents.
Cheatham Watch D.O.G.S.
Chair coordinates Spring and Fall events to bring awareness to the program. Top Dog Team oversees daily campus presence and support from dads and father figures.
Volunteers (dads) serve at least one day per semester in a variety of activities as coordinated with the school counselor.
6th Grade Graduation
Chair works with 6th grade teachers to plan 6th grade graduation celebration events and fundraising.
Volunteers assist in graduation activities (e.g. Val-o-Gram).